Handmade Kurdish giveh Purchase price depends on several factors. These products are marketed in packages, the price of packaged samples is often higher than general samples. Because the costs spent on the design and production of packaging for these nuts have increased their price. How the product is supplied, type of packaging, quality, place of production, manufacturer brand are other factors that can affect the price of these products.

Handmade Kurdish giveh Purchase price

Obvious feature of handmade Kurdish giveh

Obvious feature of handmade Kurdish giveh Klash Giveh has special features that have made it still be used as a general shoe and not a decorative shoe in the current time when all kinds of shoes have taken over the footwear factories of the country. One of the unique features of Clash is that it does not have left and right footrests and one can wear any of the claws on any of the legs he likes.

This excellent feature has been seen in all types of quilts before, but over time and the use of machine soles has become a factor that has now become a unique feature of Klash. Another feature of this software is its coolness that makes the foot always Be cool and prevent bad breath and foot sweat. Another notable feature of Kalash is its lack of color.

This type of goose, unlike other types, does not have a variety of colors and can only be seen in white. Also, before wearing this shoe, you should rub its sole on a vegetable or, in local parlance, eat it so that the few remaining pores are filled and water cannot enter the shoe.

Purchase handmade Kurdish giveh in bulk

Purchase handmade Kurdish giveh in bulk Purchase handmade Kurdish giveh in bulk because its price is more suitable than a part and a special type of giveh is known as one of the comfortable shoes and sandals and they are offered at different prices in the market every day.

This high-consumption product has many applicants due to its comfort and beauty, as well as its high durability and medical nature, and its applicants are willing to buy the product at a reasonable price from the market.But one of the methods of goods that make these conditions include the situation of applicants or buyers of handmade Kurdish giveh, is the bulk sale, which also leads to the wholesale and reasonable price.

Naturally, the wholesale and reasonable price of handmade Kurdish giveh types will attract more buyers to buy this product and will help to sell it. If you can not find this type of product in the markets with the appropriate quality and price, I suggest you refer to their sales sites, because in these sites, there are various types of shops for sale that are reasonably priced, and some of them are even for You work for several years and because of the quality of this product, the people who buy them from you become your regular customers and handmade Kurdish giveh supplier has been created in various cities.

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