Manufacturing companies are always trying to produce the best products to satisfy customers and sell more of their products. These factories send their products after production to agencies all over the country to make it easier for the customer to handmade kurdish traditional shoes and to be able to buy the best type of them with excellent quality and reasonable price.

handmade kurdish traditional shoes for sale

How handmade kurdish traditional shoes are made?

How handmade kurdish traditional shoes are made? In the central mountainous region of Kurdistan, Kermanshah, and Ilam, its impassable crossings, lack of road communication routes, livelihoods based on livestock and agriculture, and the need for high mobility in the three seasons of spring, summer, and autumn (which are working seasons) require maintenance. Which is light, comfortable, durable, cool, and cheap at the same time.  Footwear like Giving is the best answer to all these needs and can still be because:

  • The floor materials are all available in the area.
  • The tool is simple and easy to prepare.
  • It activates a large number of women in the region who are unable to work in the dominant manufacturing industries in the region.

In case of more production, its field can be extended beyond its limits, and instead of satisfying other needs by leaving food raw materials, food will remain for the residents, the type of nutrition will be completed, and the number of diseases caused by handmade Kurdish traditional shoes price will be reduced. More energy should be spent on the dominant products of the region, the way to self-sufficiency policy should be opened, and the consumption needs of the region should be met in this way.

Purchase handmade kurdish traditional shoes

Purchase handmade kurdish traditional shoes Kermanshah traditional yarn is woven in a wide variety of types in the market and is available to buyers and tourists. The export of this handmade product is done directly from the center of this province because it has a common border with neighboring countries.

Using a suitable soe that has the ability to be four seasons, is a great offer for most people, but usually do not know enough about such products!

It will be interesting for you to know that our handmade Kurdish traditional shoes supplier, which is produced and distributed in the market under the name of Giove, has this unique feature and structure!

Giveh is one of the tools that is produced from natural fibers and yarn compatible with the skin that exists in nature and is available to the public. cotton fibers and yarns have been used, which in themselves have a white and light color; Of course, in some cases, carpet yarn and silk are also used to produce giwa.

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