A variety of traditional handicrafts with various models and in beautiful and attractive colours are offered to customers and buyers in reputable shopping centres. In addition to physical beauty, it has very good material and quality. handmade kurdish thrives has different sizes. Traditional designs are very stylish and have their own customers. we are one of handmade Kurdish thrives supplier in this world.

Handmade kurdish thrives Domestic production

Unique Characteristics of handmade kurdish thrives

Unique Characteristics of handmade kurdish thrives Handicrafts as a part of cultural heritage and a symbol of the cultural life of a society, are always considered. Due to the nature of traditional life in many parts of Kurdistan and the lack of domination of the industrial sector, Kurdistan handicrafts are still considered in terms of quality and breadth in the country, so that Kurdistan carpets and rugs along with delicate products such as chess have become world-famous. Is.

The handicrafts of Kurdistan province are: wood joinery, hand weaving, handicrafts, making local ornaments, needlework and surface, pottery, mat weaving, quilt embroidery, felt making and making leather products.

Handmade includes rugs, waves, shawls, jajims, kilims, kilims and clothing fabrics that are produced in most urban and rural areas of Kurdistan. Jewelry includes a variety of bracelets, necklaces, brooches, bracelets, headbands, rings and earrings. Woodworking includes cigarette cans, sweets, women’s bags, trays, plates, nuts, etc.

Kurdistan handicrafts are prominent in Iran and the world in terms of quality and scope

The use of plant colours, the combination of role and originality of the design, has caused the superiority of the quality of handicrafts in Kurdistan province. Sanandaj and Bijar are the most important centers for the production of kilims and carpets. The global fame of Sanandaj carpet and its prestige among the world markets has caused that in the British Encyclopedia, which is one of the most prestigious encyclopedias in the world, the word “Saneh”, which is Kurdish in Sanandaj, has been translated into a famous carpet.

Domestic demand for handmade kurdish thrives

Domestic demand for handmade kurdish thrives One type of demand is affected by handmade Kurdish thrives price changes, meaning that any increase or decrease in the price of handicrafts will force the consumer to react.
Non-elastic demand (insensitive)

A type of demand for handicrafts that is not price-sensitive and the change in the price of the product (decrease or increase) does not change its amount is called non-elastic or insensitive demand. In this case, the consumer is no longer sensitive to the price and because of the necessity and vitality of providing the product in any way want to achieve it.

Demand for Kurdistan handicraft products and goods is elastic for the following reasons:

1- Existence of alternative goods (machine products)

2- Low prices of available goods

3- Non-life of products,

Therefore, the consumer is sensitive to their price. This should be taken into account when adopting pricing policies and demand estimation analyzes.

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