kurdish leather espadrille is a kind of traditional shoes or slippers that date back to the Safavid period. Its production and use is common in Fars province and is a lightweight, durable and suitable for long walks on rough roads, and due to these characteristics, most people have attributed its origin to times far away from other types of folding bases And this has linked the history of Giove to the creation of legends. Therefore, Kurdish leather espadrille manufacturer launches at a reasonable price.

Kurdish leather espadrille manufacturer

Tips for Purchasing kurdish leather espadrille

Tips for Purchasing kurdish leather espadrille

Goethe is a kind of traditional Iranian shoes that are made of soft, comfortable, durable and handmade shoes. Giove is considered as handmade in the mountainous cities of Iran and the rural area of ​​provinces such as Fars province (its capital is Shiraz), Isfahan, Kermanshah, Kurdistan, Zanjan and.. Gate should be considered one of the most interesting and valuable rural handicrafts in Iran. Gate production has a history of 1000 years in Iran. Kermanshah Gut is known as one of the main well-known kelash industries in Kurdish.

The gate contains a single and upper part. This piece is made of small pieces of cotton material that are glued together with a rubber band. Usually two small pieces of leather are used on the back and front of the floor to increase its strength. The upper part is a piece of yarn or woolen yarn.

In the past, they used a kind of wild cow leather to make the Giove floor, and the upper part was made of wool or cotton yarn. Gradually entering the rubber industry and making it cheaper, people downstairs used rubber only on their needles

Start painting with magic and bright shades of each color. It is faster to let go of the glare with the design around them. Note that this can add to the appeal of the work and create an even softer feel to create some edges designed with only color magic. It is also interesting and acceptable not to record the color and edge without the black lines around them

Gate colors

The colors used in the preparation of the gate are: blue, white, red and black. Previously, wheat was white only for men, and the color of female plants was often colored, and sometimes nuts were used. For more information about kurdish leather espadrille price, you can visit our website.

Manufacturing process of kurdish leather espadrille

Manufacturing process of kurdish leather espadrille

 Note the light shadow lines designed with white crayons on the upper of the shoe. You may also need to add some light shades on the ribbon straps.  I hope this tutorial is useful for you. Today you learned how to quickly sketch and paint a design with magic. This method is very useful for immediate implementation of basic ideas. Therefore, kurdish leather espadrille supplier offers to the market at a reasonable price.

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