Kurdish Calais is a beautiful, original and traditional footwear that consists of completely natural materials that are environmentally friendly with unique environmental characteristics that are suitable for people with low back pain and for the warm seasons of the year. Can be used for all ages shared between women and men. Our collection is known as one of the distribution centres of handmade Kurdish klash.

Handmade Kurdish klash Distribution centers

Unique Characteristics of handmade Kurdish klash

Unique Characteristics of handmade Kurdish klash

This type of handmade carpets has special features that have made it possible that at the present time, all kinds of factory shoes have taken over the country’s footwear market. 

One of the unique features of the Clash is that it does not have left and right footrests and one can wear any of the claws on any of the legs he likes .

This premium feature has been seen in all types of quilts before, but over time and the use of machinery soles has become a factor that has now become a unique feature of the Kalash. Another feature of this software is its coolness, which makes the foot always cool. And prevent bad breath and foot sweat .

Handmade with high manufacturing accuracy

Note that the number and compaction of the fabric ridge layer in the cup of Giove Klash Horami are between 300 and 360 ridges, and also it has produced fine-textured knots and very small and numerous parts, which are briefly described at the end of this article. We will write for you .

Suitable for people with back pain

Gives are generally suitable for people with low back pain, but Klash Horami gives are very suitable for people with back pain due to their unique ergonomic cup, and you can even go for long walks. Or use it safely for mountaineering .


Therefore, handmade Kurdish klash manufacturer, which is made of two main underlying layers and the top layer with special yarns and natural fibers, in addition to domestic use, also exports to foreign countries.

Distributing handmade Kurdish klash in bulk

Distributing handmade Kurdish klash in bulk

 But in short, we can mention such things as its beautiful appearance and compatibility with all kinds of sets and fashion of clothes, no need for waxes and polishes, having the mark of quality and originality of UNESCO handicrafts, etcwhich are all features of handicrafts

Because the handmade Kurdish klash types available in the market are similar in appearance, but what distinguishes these quilts from each other is the quality of construction, especially the cup, the materials used, and also the mastery of its master, which in addition to elegance, must be Have high strength and durability.

Our collection as one of the Distributing handmade Kurdish klash in bulk in the market that we offer this product to customers at a wholesale and cheap price.

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